Saturday, January 22, 2011

Lady in the Brown Dress

...aka Lucky, lol...obviously bored...
RT: "watching sex and the can some women sleep with so many men?"
RT: "libraries and bookstores are the devil.....people go to socialize not read....didn't get that memo."
RT: "heart races when I'm not sure and can't define it"

Really Random

Was looking in the mirror (not vain, just brushing my and realize a thought. We are always trying to define things, situations, people...never letting it just be...the more someone or it gives, it becomes less interesting. Holding your identity is powerful. Once you give too much in a situation, people lose interest, believe me, I know from experience...Give, give, give...once this happens...people begin to mold you, so that you can become more interesting...not a good look.

If people can just be...flaws and all (cliche)...expectations would definitely be realistic and these type of situations of giving too much and not receiving the same in return would not happen.

I believe this is why realty television is huge!!!When watching these shows...whats the first thing you tend to do...try and relate to the individuals, which helps you live through them. Really? In "REALTY", they're just characters. Media plays on your insecurities...its crazy...

Anyways. Let me be.

Be yourself.....
Spread Positivity

Friday, January 21, 2011

RT: "give and get nothing in return"

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Choice of Music Tonight

RT: "my doggie next to the tub wishing she was human.....I told her that...sometimes I wish I was a dog.....bath is fab!"

Thursday Night....

My Thursday night consists of:

- Bubble bath
- Book
- Merlot
- Relaxation

Happy Thursday, people!!!!

Spread positivity!
RT: "why am I always digging....investigator"

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Lately, I have been haunted by an idea or let's say a thought.

My words are carefully chosen.....

I can't decide if its an impulsive (obsessive) thought or if this is something I must pay attention to.......

For the past two weeks, its heavy, I mean HEAVY on my mind. I don't know what to do with it that I haven't occupied my mind with any other thoughts and continually revert back to this thought, because let's be real, its amazing..but its not healthy. Praying...seriously praying to God, to make me understand this "head" game.


SN: pure thought.....I try hard to listen to what's happening up there (referring to brain), so that I can channel my thoughts to a positive outlook.

Spread Positivity
RT: " mos def...."


Something has made me smile...tremendously hard.
RT: " my driving makes some nervous and"
RT: "wished things played out differently...obsessive thinking is painful, it hurts."

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

3rd Time's A Charm

Got my nose pierced for the 3rd is a septum piercing...
RT: " 90 teens pregnant @ memphis high school, gay black men, what if your teen told you they were gay....(Insert happy tune), Michael Baisden kills me"

Monday, January 17, 2011

RT: "MLK Day: we must remember as purpose for growth, not burden."

J.Davey ...."dope-ness"

One word..."dope-ness" that speaks for itself.


The promotion of positivity is important, speaking on a negative subject is some form of promoting the negative subject. Promoting positivity buffers negative energy...causing the negativity to loose its power. "Spread positivity" is not just a statement I use for valediction, but a belief. Right or wrong, is not the issue, but understanding is the task.

Spread Positivity *muah*
RT:"I can't stop laughing...let's celebrate MLK day with chicken, kool-aid,, really now."
RT: "I'm a loner in a world of clones."

Sunday, January 16, 2011

To Understand

Wow...I was just inspired to write this post.

As people, we need to get over physical appearances and what we view the world mentally. We all have a different train of thought or thought process, appreciate that. We are not robots who think a like , look alike, react alike.....don't let outside influences control this. Separating each other because of color, sex, religion..only weakens us....realize that we are one on the same level and no better than the next man can strengthen us. God is of love, not something that we can materialize with our thoughts....trying to understand this is difficult and I may never reach a point of understanding, but die trying is better than not trying at all.

Everything that I do is out of love. Being appreciative of other people's ideas has helped me a great deal. Understanding the fact that I don't know anything and am willing to listen to many who do know some things.....that's a blessing. It's easy to hang with people who think the same way as ourselves.....comfortable and complacency. To write off people because they have a train of thought that you don't agree with....comfortable and complacent. If you stop and listen and try to understand and offer what you have been taught out of love.....this world, my god, would be a different place.

Die trying is better than not trying at all.

Another one

Today is such a beautiful day. Door is open and I'm having some fantastic coffee. Incense going...I feel blessed, everyday.

+ Heading out soon for some apartment shopping and a little clothes shopping. Mentally preparing myself for the crowds of people I will encounter.

+ Not really a breakfast eater, so for brunch I will make some pancakes with cooked blueberries and raspberries...hmmmm, sounds good.

Until next time..peace *muah*