You know I love you
You don't know what Love is do you?
So now you run from Love
Though it's all you ever think of
Mistaking Money for Love
Honey for Love
You're always running from Love
Never rising above
After all the Games you play
You're walking on the edge again
It must be lonely
So lonely
Even after all you feel
You throw it all away for real
You got a Love Shield
Love Shield
So here we are
Heart to Heart
And so apart
What are you afraid of?
You're living in the Pain of Love
After all the Games you play
You're walking on the edge again
It must be lonely
So lonely
Even after all you feel
You throw it all away for real
You got a Love Shield
Love Shield
All the little things you couldn't control
When you were a little thing
And now you're old. . .
And Cold
Your Heart is Cold.
Confide in me
Come hide in me.
"Lay on my Breast
Relieve your Chest
And I'll do the rest"
Love is the best.
Hard to believe, it's all you need
I can't wait until you see. . .
You've got a Love Field
You've Love Field.
After all the Games you play
You're walking on the edge again
It must be lonely
So lonely.
Even after all you feel
You throw it all away for real
You got a Love Shield
Love Shield
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Mother's Day...I was so blessed to have two may not have been the "traditional" mother, but she is my birth mom and I love her for being herself.My second mother means the world to me...the one who taught me everything I know today and still continues to teach me...a gift God sent to me at a time in my life that I needed her the most.
Just finished talking to her, and I feel a little defeated. She wants me to go to church...*sigh*...there is nothing wrong with church, but my faith/church aren't one in the faith in GOD...has nothing to do with my attendance to church. 10% tithing was brought up...where was this said, in the bible...and who wrote the bible?..."man"...and some way, shape, or form...I will slowly conformed to writings in the bible, because I do believe in its "advices"...but just the thought of being forced to go to church seems a little elementary to me and takes away from the real reasons of worship. My faith is religious to some point, but its more spiritual. Faith lives within can and will not falter my faith...LIVING POSITIVELY should be the way of life...because the bible says so should not be the reason...your soul should always seek the greater good in people.
Sometimes I conform to some of the advices in the bible, because let's face it, I was raised in the Baptist culture...I have told many people that, I don't want to have many partners before marrying my husband, because I feel like I'm taking from him the gift of his wife being pure and only for him...and then I was asked, what if your husband was once gay, on drugs, or had many partners? Would you still marry him and I said "no". This thought has sat with me since then...standards. Are standards and love two of the same? No...Then why do I put them together...if you don't meet my standards then I can't love you...does that sound like a person of love or positivity or growth or forgiving? No...Realizing this will probably save me from losing out on a gift given from God and I thank God for this realization.
The LIFE God has given us teaches us about unconditional love. Faith in God will get us through life using love, if only we could let the spirit of God (love)guide us.
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
Just finished talking to her, and I feel a little defeated. She wants me to go to church...*sigh*...there is nothing wrong with church, but my faith/church aren't one in the faith in GOD...has nothing to do with my attendance to church. 10% tithing was brought up...where was this said, in the bible...and who wrote the bible?..."man"...and some way, shape, or form...I will slowly conformed to writings in the bible, because I do believe in its "advices"...but just the thought of being forced to go to church seems a little elementary to me and takes away from the real reasons of worship. My faith is religious to some point, but its more spiritual. Faith lives within can and will not falter my faith...LIVING POSITIVELY should be the way of life...because the bible says so should not be the reason...your soul should always seek the greater good in people.
Sometimes I conform to some of the advices in the bible, because let's face it, I was raised in the Baptist culture...I have told many people that, I don't want to have many partners before marrying my husband, because I feel like I'm taking from him the gift of his wife being pure and only for him...and then I was asked, what if your husband was once gay, on drugs, or had many partners? Would you still marry him and I said "no". This thought has sat with me since then...standards. Are standards and love two of the same? No...Then why do I put them together...if you don't meet my standards then I can't love you...does that sound like a person of love or positivity or growth or forgiving? No...Realizing this will probably save me from losing out on a gift given from God and I thank God for this realization.
The LIFE God has given us teaches us about unconditional love. Faith in God will get us through life using love, if only we could let the spirit of God (love)guide us.
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Late...just woke up...insomnia...sleep don't come easy...I think thoughts keep me up...will try to relax mind and head to sleep a.gain.
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
Sunday, May 1, 2011
New vinyl!!!...lovely, weekend was a success...Hello May!...*CHEERS*
To Self:
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
To Self:
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Thursday, 28th day of April in the year was the usual. Met many nice young ladies last night, which was a blast...
Ever so much do I notice the excuses people come up with to help out their psyche, stretching a little or becoming imbalance for the sake of others is deep and selfless. front of millions...pointing, laughing, ridiculing all your flaws...after that, "what is left?" become the strongest person in the room or vicinity...grasping the concept...POWERFUL. But most rather join with others who are clothed, guarded, hidden...things are more affluent when naked.
Music has always made me feel very naked...and moments of ecstasy...flush of the skin, hardened of the nipples, glazing of the eyes, movement becoming fluid...breathing rapidly...realizing love is the melodies, beats, vocals...true love...the gift of a musician is magical and very spiritual.
ADDICTIONS...come from disappointment of the human species...we, animals, humans...possess love...the evil negative notion is the villain...superhero, love...constant battle. Believing in people...their "good intentions" have been lost in our world (society)...flesh-like situations or possessions has the control...
THE CURSE or blessing...realizing this? into them...analyze them...that's the other side.
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
Ever so much do I notice the excuses people come up with to help out their psyche, stretching a little or becoming imbalance for the sake of others is deep and selfless. front of millions...pointing, laughing, ridiculing all your flaws...after that, "what is left?" become the strongest person in the room or vicinity...grasping the concept...POWERFUL. But most rather join with others who are clothed, guarded, hidden...things are more affluent when naked.
Music has always made me feel very naked...and moments of ecstasy...flush of the skin, hardened of the nipples, glazing of the eyes, movement becoming fluid...breathing rapidly...realizing love is the melodies, beats, vocals...true love...the gift of a musician is magical and very spiritual.
ADDICTIONS...come from disappointment of the human species...we, animals, humans...possess love...the evil negative notion is the villain...superhero, love...constant battle. Believing in people...their "good intentions" have been lost in our world (society)...flesh-like situations or possessions has the control...
THE CURSE or blessing...realizing this? into them...analyze them...that's the other side.
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Today....lukewarm. Work was the usual grind and cool down. Went to an African dance class which was of course...AMAZING!
Mind was pretty relaxed and on chilled mode...NEW HIT: VIKTAR DUPLAIX...luv musique... within...developing like anticipation...confidence is showing with every finger twitch, every movement of my shoulders, turn of my head, sway of my hip, flex in my back...hmmmmm, it feels good to be
Moments notice.
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
Mind was pretty relaxed and on chilled mode...NEW HIT: VIKTAR DUPLAIX...luv musique... within...developing like anticipation...confidence is showing with every finger twitch, every movement of my shoulders, turn of my head, sway of my hip, flex in my back...hmmmmm, it feels good to be
Moments notice.
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
Monday, April 25, 2011
Hi Again...
Lately, I've been avoiding my blog/diary...because I kinda lost myself in the hoopla of other people's world...and trying to save everyone...and falling for a dream...which was the focus of my blog/diary for a long time...a long that I have gather my thoughts due to less entertainment of the outside world....i.e. television..I have plenty of time to think through some of the decisions I've made this month, which were not in my own opinion..."educated", but we all make uneducated decisions..a.gain...learn from them and don't hit that repeat button. While never never land....I realize a lot of people are lost, confused, and extremely passionate about being lost/confused....if that makes any sense...why is it always easy to say one thing and do another?...constant contradictions....realizing the problem, but are we taking the necessary steps to handle or implement the solution? Finding ways to point it out take attention from self...self reflection a.gain is hard...and some may never grasp the concept...*ignorant bliss* feels good...just knowing and not acknowledging the "knowing"...but turning your head.
Other works, I've read...entertaining,yes...but also great inspiration/insightful advice that encourages me to continue the journey of self reflection...ADDICTIONS...should I make a list of ALL my addictions...well I'm not there yet, but I have realize what they the decision sits with me to actually act on my findings...approval of what is really, the mirror, vision of with me...dying with no approval from the outside world. Spending time with yourself can be a daunting task...conversations with yourself are more prevalent...laughs are ever increasing...things start to get cozy, until you realize a need for sharing or exploring...the world is an obstacle course...but a positive outlook on the course will get you to the end...never an end though.
Question I was asked recently....What is your most important role in life...and my answer was a "learner"...we are constantly growing and learning...the day that you believe you've learned the day that you have died.
"Spread Positivity & Be Positive"
Other works, I've read...entertaining,yes...but also great inspiration/insightful advice that encourages me to continue the journey of self reflection...ADDICTIONS...should I make a list of ALL my addictions...well I'm not there yet, but I have realize what they the decision sits with me to actually act on my findings...approval of what is really, the mirror, vision of with me...dying with no approval from the outside world. Spending time with yourself can be a daunting task...conversations with yourself are more prevalent...laughs are ever increasing...things start to get cozy, until you realize a need for sharing or exploring...the world is an obstacle course...but a positive outlook on the course will get you to the end...never an end though.
Question I was asked recently....What is your most important role in life...and my answer was a "learner"...we are constantly growing and learning...the day that you believe you've learned the day that you have died.
"Spread Positivity & Be Positive"
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Monday, April 4, 2011
Chapter closed....
So...this marks the closing of one chapter...I'm out! Thanks for the follows, but this is no longer my blog. So always, spread positivity and be positive....*muah*....*hugs* and much love people. Stay blessed!!!!!!
Wow....another beautiful day.....going to attack Monday hard!
SN: I am feeling some sort of way this morning...
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
SN: I am feeling some sort of way this morning...
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Steamdown...last night last night was interesting. Went to a house party...gorgeous house....creative and the houses in Miami, they're not cookie cutter....the landscape in the backyard around the pool was very lush...the people who were there, all artists.....poets....singers.....everything. Had a couple of friends over before the party to eat dinner....I cooked the "BOMB" steam down, which included crab legs and shrimp...and then the homemade salsa, OFF THE CHARTS!....can't wait until I buy property and host fabulous parties as well. Be easy.....
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Very Productive
So my day has been very productive and inspiring thus far....joined new mentoring organization, like really brand spanking new!!!! Very previous professor's letter of recommendation for school application....process is almost its time for the parties......two invites, maybe more as the day goes on....Barbancourt Rum, yes Haitian rum.....on deck, mojitos, homemade salsa & chips, and seafood steam down and then heading out for the night......
Check and check
Got a lot of things done so far this morning....busy busy week was busy, now the weekend? Busy=Good
Have a productive day!
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
Have a productive day!
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
Friday, April 1, 2011
All The Money in the World
....not a huge Rick Ross fan, but this new one with Raphael Saadiq is too dope! All the money in the Love Raphael!...doing that cute!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Menu tonight....
Tonight on the menu....curry cabbage and baked fish....last night it was curry fish and turnips....southern girl mixed with Caribbean I have to learn some Haitian dishes...cause they nice, real nice!....ahhhhhh! Life in Miami.
Fun Night!
pic of me at Sunni Patterson's poetry reading....I know, smiling extremely hard, because I was
pic of me at Sunni Patterson's poetry reading....I know, smiling extremely hard, because I was
Man please.....the "heart" comes into play, I know that wasn't for God bless that you actually feel something....if it was for me, MAN UP!!!!.....but if it wasn't (sad face).......congrats! It hurts...but it feels good at the same time. time be very forward with her....then that heart of hers would not be split (secret: probably isn't split, you just have to realize you the 98%!!!!).....dudes are crazy! Aye man, like for real, good luck with that....stepping down from my soap box...
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
Good Night.....
Last night was a good night....Sunni Patterson......beautiful.....and Mishal Moore amazing talent!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
This post.....listening to Theophilus London.....and I am inspired. ...........................................................................................................................................................................
We had.........................................................................................................................................
We had.........................................................................................................................................
Monday, March 28, 2011
Turning Cold...NO!
My prayer tonight will be about my heart.....I don't want to be cold and jaded. I am all about love, giving love, and receiving love. My life use to be so hard and God was there to bring me out of that pain and hurt and I know he will do it now. People are in pain everywhere and giving love is hard sometimes, because they're constantly thinking....I'll hurt them before they hurt friendships as well. Constant battle, no peace. Just hard, life is just hard...and lonely sometimes, because I feel as though I'm light and people are constantly trying to blow out my light.
Read This!
This is the new guy this is what I'm talking!!!!!
It's a WRAP!....dude is crazy, really? He sent me this thread, thinking I was going to laugh about it...., he said that he didn't want to show me, because of what the other dudes were saying, but you know me and you were saying the worst!..... bitch this, bitch seriously...we birth children, and dudes come off like this......makes me want to become a hermit and not deal....but not going to do that; I will put his ass in his place.
It makes no sense...ugh, I am so frustrated, like really? This is I'm not chill right now, because of the language that was used. The future looks mighty sad........Get This!!! I am still going to be respectful to him and make him realize that not every woman likes that sort of language. And then, that's it for him. Shutting doors left and right....I tried though, really I did.....he blew up over music being his life and it not being just inspiration.
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
It's a WRAP!....dude is crazy, really? He sent me this thread, thinking I was going to laugh about it...., he said that he didn't want to show me, because of what the other dudes were saying, but you know me and you were saying the worst!..... bitch this, bitch seriously...we birth children, and dudes come off like this......makes me want to become a hermit and not deal....but not going to do that; I will put his ass in his place.
It makes no sense...ugh, I am so frustrated, like really? This is I'm not chill right now, because of the language that was used. The future looks mighty sad........Get This!!! I am still going to be respectful to him and make him realize that not every woman likes that sort of language. And then, that's it for him. Shutting doors left and right....I tried though, really I did.....he blew up over music being his life and it not being just inspiration.
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
Sunday, March 27, 2011
New Possibilities
Well, so there is someone new....and he has caught my attention. There has always been new ones, I just wasn't interested. But this person has definitely caught my attention. He is very attentive, thoughtful, and patient. Expresses himself very well, no word games here. Nothing sexual has even occurred, but the attraction is there. Cool to hang out with and talk too....I don't fight for attention either, he just gives it to me...and I do the same. Interesting person...great!!!!!He is interesting and in touch with self righteous shit going on and cockiness is not even an issue. Confidence is something that he definitely possesses...very cool dude. I feel like I've known him for a long time...that's how comfortable I am with him....and the laughs are plentiful.......great beginnings.
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Don't Deserve It
So I've been thinking....I would give it to you, but I don't think you deserve it. I've known you longer, but I'll give it to someone who cares about me, whom I just met. Someone who wouldn't expose my deepest secrets, insecurities, intimate his friends; just a sign that your immature. No trust is there, never has been, that's why I regret what happen in a sense. If we go there, I would never want to talk to you after. Friends (?) out of the question...friends would want to know what happen to you, I would ask them "who?"....because I would erase the whole experience from my mind. I wouldn't share the experience with anyone, because I would be ashamed. The first intimate moment, I don't regret so much, because I thought you were into me and wanted a future, but now I know straight only want my body....and like I've said before.....Body=soul to me.
Beautiful experience before...because I felt it there...for you an act maybe? My poem was about the experience and how I appreciate the experience....not really how I feel about you as a person...your "qualifications" are decent, but you're tainted & cold in every sense.
"Let's laugh TOGETHER at these sorry ass niggas who don't, u done yet? Me neither!".............which side are you on here?, but listen, all of this to say...please stop.
You are not ready for me. Keep it moving. My poetry is a reflection.....there not mixed messages; its how I feel, but using them against me in a sense is not smart. Obviously, I have no room for players...only partners.
This is just me venting without any exclamation points, because I'm chill.
Alright, I'm out to this festival.
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
Beautiful experience before...because I felt it there...for you an act maybe? My poem was about the experience and how I appreciate the experience....not really how I feel about you as a person...your "qualifications" are decent, but you're tainted & cold in every sense.
"Let's laugh TOGETHER at these sorry ass niggas who don't, u done yet? Me neither!".............which side are you on here?, but listen, all of this to say...please stop.
You are not ready for me. Keep it moving. My poetry is a reflection.....there not mixed messages; its how I feel, but using them against me in a sense is not smart. Obviously, I have no room for players...only partners.
This is just me venting without any exclamation points, because I'm chill.
Alright, I'm out to this festival.
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
83 Degrees
Its 83 Degrees today...I was chilling outside for a minute, bumping this Beastie Boys album:
And.......stopped by my favorite used bookstore....where I spent 15.00 on about 13 books...(That I might actually read).....later today, Spoken Soul Festival. Right now though....Brown Sugar babay!!!!!!love this flick.
And.......stopped by my favorite used bookstore....where I spent 15.00 on about 13 books...(That I might actually read).....later today, Spoken Soul Festival. Right now though....Brown Sugar babay!!!!!!love this flick.
Friday, March 25, 2011
It's A New dAY!
Feeling good this morning! It's FRIDAY!!!! Weekend baby.....I need a weekend off though(too much going on in life), but not this one unfortunately.
Have a productive day!...Really try
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
*muah* & hugs
Have a productive day!...Really try
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
*muah* & hugs
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
LOL Together!
Let's laugh TOGETHER at these sorry ass niggas who don't, u done yet? Me neither!.......
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Sharon Jones & I
Here's the picture of Sharon Jones and I:
The official female version of James Brown!
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
*muah* & hugs
The official female version of James Brown!
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
*muah* & hugs
....this morning is proving to be very interesting.
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
*muah* & hugs
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
*muah* & hugs
Monday, March 21, 2011
Sharon Jones/ the Dap Kings
OMG!!!!I had an amazing night.....Sharon Jones & the Dap Kings were awesome!!!!! What made the night even better was that I was asked to go on stage and dance....and guess what? I DID!!!! I ripped it!!!! *smiling as I type*, this was a night to I'm known as the girl who ripped it on stage with Sharon Jones!!!! Pic of me and her to come.....
I'm tired...goodnight
*muah* & hugs
I'm tired...goodnight
*muah* & hugs
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Okay, real quick...just came back from a friend's birthday party, which was on to a concert...SHARON JONES & THE DAP KINGS!!!!!!...whew...this is how I feel today:
Maybe, I'll get to see L Boogie in concert, still up in the air.
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
*muah* & hugs
SN: You know I love you!
Maybe, I'll get to see L Boogie in concert, still up in the air.
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
*muah* & hugs
SN: You know I love you!
Drum Circle!!!!
Beautiful night....the moon was so bright and the reflection off the water was amazingly bright...............then it got crazy......drummers and fire dancers were possessed .....drinks were flowing and then BOOM!!!!! Cops closed down the party! In car, driving in Bal Harbour, RED LIGHTS, BLUE LIGHTS, yes, I was pulled over... but guess what, I drove away with a 10.00 ticket...what! What!...I swear it was the smile. Definitely will put up footage, but right now, I am recovering....
Have a nice SunDay!I think this is a beach day.
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
*muah* & hugs
Have a nice SunDay!I think this is a beach day.
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
*muah* & hugs
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Soooo, I have already worked out, which was insane and went to an estate sale that was very CIRCLE @ the beach!!!!!!!
Oh, because I didn't post this yesterday, I will do today.....
I found this chair next to the dumpster at, YES!..someone was going to throw this beauty co-worker was not happy with me taking this chair from the trash and putting it into our warehouse at work....she said I was rat pack..whatevs!!!!
Oh, because I didn't post this yesterday, I will do today.....
![]() |
Can't wait to read my first book in this chair! |
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Dope, RIGHT?! |
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Friday was jean and red boots day! |
I found this chair next to the dumpster at, YES!..someone was going to throw this beauty co-worker was not happy with me taking this chair from the trash and putting it into our warehouse at work....she said I was rat pack..whatevs!!!!
Got a list of things I'm doing early start...damn, it is so BEAUTIFUL here!! AHHHH, excited, excited, excited!!!!!
Be Productive
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
*muah* & hugs
Be Productive
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
*muah* & hugs
Friday, March 18, 2011
Well, I had a great time for Saint Patty's Day, had a couple of drinks and socialized a bit (early night...I'm tired!) a lot of looks, because I was rocking my fro....a lot of compliments and love. I fell in love with this group a long time ago and they still jam!!!...BRAZILIAN GIRLS!!!!!! Alright, goodnight and enjoy the selection of music.
*muah* & hugs
*muah* & hugs
Thursday, March 17, 2011
*Secret Admirer *
So I start my day like any other day......wake up and walk my dog, so when I was approaching the lobby, my property manager walks up to me and a hands me this note. I looked at her and she says, "just read it and tell me what you think" I quickly stuff it in my pocket, thinking like awww damn it!!!! Fatal attraction type, I know I'm a crazy thinker, paranoia is a bitch!!!! So I walk my dog and came back to my apartment and finally read the note. It basically says that someone in my apartment building is attracted to me and would like to get to know me better....WHAT!!!!, how cute is this? So I will sit on this and then decide if I should move forward.
SN: He lives in one of the penthouses here....wooooohoo!!!!
Have a productive day!
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
SN: He lives in one of the penthouses here....wooooohoo!!!!
Have a productive day!
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Alright, the events of today were a little draining, so I had to take a nap. Answers to a lot questions answered after wavering thoughts for a long time, may not be what I was expecting, but I got it and it feels good. Moving along is what I'll do and continue to do with the same message I speak every day and even in my sleep...POSITIVITY. Best days of my life, cherishing them. Literally, GOD WORKS IN MYSTERIOUS WAYS!...unbelievable. Some exciting events are coming up and I'm trying to hold on, it feels like my life is getting busier than usual. Application to school and Peace Corps are well underway, journey I spoke about in an earlier post....I think I'm ready for the change. I'm truly blessed...*looking out my sliding door at the highway, watching cars go by (as if life continues)*.....Wishing every one the best, even the ill mannered, because it is what I do....damn homie, here is an internet hug (breath in and exhale out *like how Martin would do on his show*)...things will get better for you, just pray. Why Even Try?...not feeling like that anymore, because I will continue to try...just venting then. I still believe in things that the regular population consider overrated or fairy tale....don't lose the dreams people, they fuel our reality. This blog is for venting moments as well as reflection of those venting, sometimes random...if you think about it "our" lives are full of random moments that turn into memories. Calculated moves really never happen the way you calculated, because random shit changes them.
- You ever wonder why people portray their lives using music?....Let's consider music as a blog...someone's life experience that they're reflecting upon, that is not the life you have to live. Don't be influence by music...BE INSPIRED....see another random thought....have them often.
- Read that first paragraph again (full of run on sentences and incomplete thoughts)...and realize these are words of a fighter. I fight with negativity..not people, I love people...hope for the people.
- You ever wonder why people portray their lives using music?....Let's consider music as a blog...someone's life experience that they're reflecting upon, that is not the life you have to live. Don't be influence by music...BE INSPIRED....see another random thought....have them often.
- Read that first paragraph again (full of run on sentences and incomplete thoughts)...and realize these are words of a fighter. I fight with negativity..not people, I love people...hope for the people.
Wooowwwww! That is all....aww man, life is crazy. Have to admit, I feel a lot better.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Younger Generation
So I am talking to one of my long time friends....(10 years to be exact) and we are catching up. Its funny because we are talking about our dating experiences......she is currently dating someone much older than her whom she is happy with....and I am literally salivating because it sounds awesome. GOSHHHHH!!!!!!!! Move forward please!!!!!!!!....sorry for the scream, but damn it!!! It's just so frustrating...stop being in love with your friends and be in love with me MORE...because I am the one who will give you the "na na", not only that, love and security...once your boys find that GOOD GOOOD, please believe..that you will be put on the back burner!
Whewww!!!!!! Like wake up, really?! Stop believing that you are the only guy I want!
That is All!
Whewww!!!!!! Like wake up, really?! Stop believing that you are the only guy I want!
That is All!
Monday, March 14, 2011
Sunni Patterson
Wow...where was I, really? Will see her in person later in the month, so I researched and I found a treasure. Favorite by far:
I hope that one day, my poetry will be this and more.
SN: "my spirit don't speak no English"......."can you stay until tomorrow, at least until the sun set"
Like for real....DOPE!
I hope that one day, my poetry will be this and more.
SN: "my spirit don't speak no English"......."can you stay until tomorrow, at least until the sun set"
Like for real....DOPE!
Good Day
TODAY...was a good day! Weather was really nice, walked my dog for a long time and took a different route. Life is almost perfect.....realize that I must start back painting, because constantly I live in the "purple" world...what does that mean...look up the meaning behind purple or people who like purple...fantasy world over reality. Look at the view:
LOVE IT!!!!!! <3
Frankie Beverly & Maze in the background...I can't get over youuuuuuuuu!!!!!, terrible.
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
LOVE IT!!!!!! <3
Frankie Beverly & Maze in the background...I can't get over youuuuuuuuu!!!!!, terrible.
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Life is Funny
I had the best time last night!!!...met some really nice people and enjoyed the arts from music to visual arts. Made some contacts, might do an open mic night, just have to check out the venue first. Miami is such a diverse place, like its not part of the United States. I love it here, and the people are colorful.
In the middle of my exhaustion today, I was thinking a lot about a "situation" that keeps reoccurring in my life. I have to stop this situation from reoccurring....realizing its not going the way I was hoping, because the agendas aren't congruent.
Property....does it mean, you mark your territory and now I'm yours....that is not the case. Contact me when you feel like to three months to six months.....later in the middle of the night, is not respectful or considerate. Me texting you while talking to someone new is not a good look for me. Your agenda is not clear or being comfortable with you in our "moment" was because I wanted to be comfortable for the possibility that it could grow into something beautiful...obviously it's not going anywhere. In my nice tone of voice.....LEAVE ME ALONE......stop with the texts and let's just be Facebook friends.
This is me, being totally honest. This vision is hard for me to come to terms with, but in order for me to get back control of this situation, I must take control of myself first. Eight years with someone who was full of bullshit is not the interlude for more bullshit.
Bad intentions, GET LOST!
Love yourself........
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
In the middle of my exhaustion today, I was thinking a lot about a "situation" that keeps reoccurring in my life. I have to stop this situation from reoccurring....realizing its not going the way I was hoping, because the agendas aren't congruent.
Property....does it mean, you mark your territory and now I'm yours....that is not the case. Contact me when you feel like to three months to six months.....later in the middle of the night, is not respectful or considerate. Me texting you while talking to someone new is not a good look for me. Your agenda is not clear or being comfortable with you in our "moment" was because I wanted to be comfortable for the possibility that it could grow into something beautiful...obviously it's not going anywhere. In my nice tone of voice.....LEAVE ME ALONE......stop with the texts and let's just be Facebook friends.
This is me, being totally honest. This vision is hard for me to come to terms with, but in order for me to get back control of this situation, I must take control of myself first. Eight years with someone who was full of bullshit is not the interlude for more bullshit.
Bad intentions, GET LOST!
Love yourself........
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Tonight, the possibilities...going to enjoy some cuisine, great wine or spirits, check out some new artists....and dance the night away to some beats. Hope you guys have a great night as well!!!!!
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
*muah* & hugs
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
*muah* & hugs
Interesting?, will the "interesting" people ever be considered part of the general public? Or will they ("we") be watched and characterized? Like are they ("we") personality traits? Adjectives?...something apart from realty? Never will know.....they ("we") can just be happy living the lives that they ("we")choose to live. Is happiness already here for the "interesting" people and the rest are in the pursuit of it?
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
*muah* & hugs
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
*muah* & hugs
Thought of the Morning
Reaching for something higher, can't quite catch it, but to everyone you look imbalance (not stable)...while they stand balanced not reaching for something better, but yet content where they are currently....looking at you with ridicule.
I feel the air below building....yes!!!
Keep Japan in your prayers, only brighter days ahead for them!
Be Productive!!!
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
*muah* & hugs
I feel the air below building....yes!!!
Keep Japan in your prayers, only brighter days ahead for them!
Be Productive!!!
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
*muah* & hugs
Friday, March 11, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Why Even Try?
This is how I feel...not like me..true...but instead of being in love, I can give love.
The truth is
I fell hard
Not the kind of fall
Where you land on a hand
And then the rest of your body follow
It was the kind of fall
Where I was hoping I took flight
Law of gravity set in
Each inch closer to the gravel
Release of tension
Relaxation of body
Love inhale in
Exhalation of fears
Hell...what world was I in?
Collision of body & gravel
Thought of the fall
Now regretting it all
Pain is what I'm feeling
That air I can't gain back
That feeling, I can't reverse that
Soreness of the fall is what I have
To cherish
Getting back up and realizing
I can't fall like that again.
I fell hard
Not the kind of fall
Where you land on a hand
And then the rest of your body follow
It was the kind of fall
Where I was hoping I took flight
Law of gravity set in
Each inch closer to the gravel
Release of tension
Relaxation of body
Love inhale in
Exhalation of fears
Hell...what world was I in?
Collision of body & gravel
Thought of the fall
Now regretting it all
Pain is what I'm feeling
That air I can't gain back
That feeling, I can't reverse that
Soreness of the fall is what I have
To cherish
Getting back up and realizing
I can't fall like that again.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
New Orleans...
The best weekend (slash week) ever!!!!!!!!!....many good memories now are being treasured and filed. There were some moments of regrets, but nothing that will break my spirit.
+ SN: "Revenge is not good for the only leads to pain."
+ Dreams of you are now nightmares........
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
+ SN: "Revenge is not good for the only leads to pain."
+ Dreams of you are now nightmares........
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
Friday, March 4, 2011
Drinking & Drawing
I had fun at this event called.....Drinking & Drawing....yup people, I was times!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
My Mood
So unfortunately I'm not spreading positivity directly, but there can be an indirect positive message behind this post.
Well...when I was younger I used to have this dream of the world being in flames and no safe haven, well I feel like that today. The comfortable places I know of are far away and I'm afraid of what I left behind and what I might see in the future. Change is hard...not because of you, but other people trying to stop the progress. Me, I want everyone to change with me in a positive way, but that is not always the case. I want to surround myself with people who brings out the best in me, not the worst. It's like a wind storm, the wind pushing you in the opposite direction...what can I say, tomorrow is a new day!
And I will make a least one person smile.
Well...when I was younger I used to have this dream of the world being in flames and no safe haven, well I feel like that today. The comfortable places I know of are far away and I'm afraid of what I left behind and what I might see in the future. Change is hard...not because of you, but other people trying to stop the progress. Me, I want everyone to change with me in a positive way, but that is not always the case. I want to surround myself with people who brings out the best in me, not the worst. It's like a wind storm, the wind pushing you in the opposite direction...what can I say, tomorrow is a new day!
And I will make a least one person smile.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Oh Dude!
Here is the scenario:
Dude ask me out on a, but get this, the place he chose was having ladies' night (where women drink free) and he proceeds to tell me the logic behind choosing this's because I can get free drinks for him too. Laughing out loud, really?
I'm not rude and consider myself to be really nice. So why must I encounter guys like this? Okay...enough, positive thoughts.
Have a good day!
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
Dude ask me out on a, but get this, the place he chose was having ladies' night (where women drink free) and he proceeds to tell me the logic behind choosing this's because I can get free drinks for him too. Laughing out loud, really?
I'm not rude and consider myself to be really nice. So why must I encounter guys like this? Okay...enough, positive thoughts.
Have a good day!
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
After two falls and two blisters.......I had so much fun at the roller rink...I still got some moves, but was quickly humbled by my two falls, which I laughed until it hurt, because it literally hurt. Times like these I bed time...I'm pretty sure my body will be screaming tomorrow.
SN: I believe I got the fall on camera, good times.
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
SN: I believe I got the fall on camera, good times.
Spread Positivity & Be Positive
Monday, February 21, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Saturday, February 19, 2011
She's getting older
My baby has long whiskers now....that means she is getting older....I hate to think I will loose her one day, but for now we'll have all the fun we can handle!
I am seriously thinking about buying the Dean Martin variety show DVDs right now....9.95, seriously you can't beat that, he is a funny guy, right up there with Bill Cosby!, I swear sometimes I'm an old woman trapped in a young woman's body...1920s-1970s, would have been my ideal years.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Its the WEEKEND BABY!!!!
RT: "just got the best records ever!!!! Al Green, Frankie Beverly & Maze, Luther and many more!!! This weekend is looking mighty nice. Not to mention, I picked up the new Cee Lo cd *amazing*..."
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
Esperanza Spalding!!!!!!!!!
She won a Grammy...well deserved, well deserved. When I met her, she was such a sweetheart. Post here.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Valentine's Day
In Simpler Times
I talk to myself
People think I am on my phone
In simpler days
I would have been considered strange
People would feel sorry
For me
And called me Crazy
I would have walked down the street
Carrying brown paper bags
Arguing laughing sometimes
Humming a tune
I am alone
At the kitchen sink
Or behind the wheel
Of my car
Taking the roasted chicken
With root vegetables out of the oven
It's easy to see
The delight I am taking
In this life
I am always smiling
I am in love
This poem is by Nikki Giovanni, the poet who dances with words like no other.
If you are spending Valentine's day by yourself, don't yourself drinking, singing sad songs, being desperate, and wallowing in sorrow....go out and do something fun by yourself, make someone smile, or hang out with some of your single friends. Life is way too short....
SN: Be happy for those who have found love!
Spread Positivity & Be positive
*muah* and *hugs*
I talk to myself
People think I am on my phone
In simpler days
I would have been considered strange
People would feel sorry
For me
And called me Crazy
I would have walked down the street
Carrying brown paper bags
Arguing laughing sometimes
Humming a tune
I am alone
At the kitchen sink
Or behind the wheel
Of my car
Taking the roasted chicken
With root vegetables out of the oven
It's easy to see
The delight I am taking
In this life
I am always smiling
I am in love
This poem is by Nikki Giovanni, the poet who dances with words like no other.
If you are spending Valentine's day by yourself, don't yourself drinking, singing sad songs, being desperate, and wallowing in sorrow....go out and do something fun by yourself, make someone smile, or hang out with some of your single friends. Life is way too short....
SN: Be happy for those who have found love!
Spread Positivity & Be positive
*muah* and *hugs*
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Volunteered early today it was fun and confusing (lol)...but I had plenty fun, left before everyone started to drink and act insane. Vatican Splendors tomorrow, love volunteering for this particular exhibit...absolutely gorgeous.
Spread Positivity & Be positive
Spread Positivity & Be positive
"Internal happiness, no one can take that away from you."
-Nikki Jean
Have a wonderful and productive day!
Spread Positivity & Be positive
-Nikki Jean
Have a wonderful and productive day!
Spread Positivity & Be positive
Friday, February 11, 2011
Day 1
Today, I start on my sober more drinking for the rest of my life. Just my preference, nothing trigger this.....just want to experience events sober...without celebrating with alcohol. So Mardi Gras, St. Pattys weekend, and weekends will be a challenge, but I'm up for it. Have a nice, blessed, and sober day.
Spread Positivity!
Be Positive
Spread Positivity!
Be Positive
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Gone Baby
Realest song off of her album...the beat is crazy funky!
DOPE!!!!!Straight up innovative.
Erykah Badu - Gone Baby, Don't be Long from beeple on Vimeo.
DOPE!!!!!Straight up innovative.
Don't Be Long,
Erykah Badu,
Gone Baby,
New Amerykah,
Part 2
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Sore City!
I just had the most amazing African dance class!!!!!!! So much fun.,....I can't feel my
Monday, February 7, 2011
Love Her...
Nikki Jean is an amazing, beautiful, talented, and positive person.....she's cool people!
Roll Bounce
Woohooo, party over here.....I have not been roller skating in a minute!!!! I am so excited about a party that I've just been invited to, where I will test my "skills"out.....getting my skates out now, polishing the wheels....*smirk*...thinking about the gear too. OH this is so exciting!!!!!!!
Sunday, February 6, 2011
My First
Holy crazzzzaaaap.....I have officially been set up on a blind date!!!!! Right now, all I'm thinking is AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!.....but it can't be that bad, right? I've only communicated with him through email, which was okay, it seems he has a good sense of humor and that is definitely a plus. What will we talk about????? Hopefully he has interest in the arts, music.....basically everything creative. I have to keep telling myself to chill.
+ Any who, pretty soon I will start another addition to this blog, which will be chronicling my experiences here in Miami. Pictures of events I go to for free or a small fee. Things to do creative on the weekend. Meetup groups to join if you've just moved here....and etc....Pretty interesting stuff. Pictures at first will be a little weak and then improve once I get a new camera. This blog is literally a diary, but my other blog, "Words" my poetry and the new one will be more of a what to do in Miami blog, which I will include on my personal business cards.
So hopefully your weekend is going swell...until next time....*muah*
Spread Positivity
+ Any who, pretty soon I will start another addition to this blog, which will be chronicling my experiences here in Miami. Pictures of events I go to for free or a small fee. Things to do creative on the weekend. Meetup groups to join if you've just moved here....and etc....Pretty interesting stuff. Pictures at first will be a little weak and then improve once I get a new camera. This blog is literally a diary, but my other blog, "Words" my poetry and the new one will be more of a what to do in Miami blog, which I will include on my personal business cards.
So hopefully your weekend is going swell...until next time....*muah*
Spread Positivity
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Friday, February 4, 2011
Retreating to Shell
No one ever gets me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's like I say something and people are like "what?"......nevermind....silence is better.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Stone Face
Just thinking and it usually ends in a laugh, I swear people think they are so strong...because they show no emotions....but I believe people who show emotions are much stronger than those who hide. I was just watching a you tube video where basically there were two girls discussing the dos and don'ts for guys when dating women. Some points were valid, but they sound so harsh and dry, like they were trying to be robots. I think its alright for people in general, not a male or female standard, but people in general to show emotion, feel SOMETHING!!!!*rolling eyes* Funny.....if you look at the older generation, they are so emotional and passionate, don't confuse passion with anger, which many people do today....but genuine passion. Showing emotion through different avenues is an art.....whether it be cooking, cleaning, painting, dancing, singing, walking, talking, staring....whatever......
+ The best asset to me on a person, is their smile, because it welcomes have an innate connection when this occurs.
+ Dreams to me are always fascinating, like actual dreams not the ones we make for ourselves, but ones we dream while sleeping....they tell you a lot about yourself and they're never clear, because life is never a clear picture.
okay, I'm done..goodnight
+ The best asset to me on a person, is their smile, because it welcomes have an innate connection when this occurs.
+ Dreams to me are always fascinating, like actual dreams not the ones we make for ourselves, but ones we dream while sleeping....they tell you a lot about yourself and they're never clear, because life is never a clear picture.
okay, I'm done..goodnight
Bench Players
Thanks to one of my friends, I revisited this song.....taking players off the bench....
+ Today I went to an event that was showcasing African American artists' work and I met some insightful elderly individuals, who wanted me to understand that I must give back to our community, become successful, and break out of my shell....OH, and not to mention the constant push for me to "speak" to the artists there or take business cards from some of the eligible bachelors, which of course I kept politely declining.....but it definitely has me thinking...what in the hell am I waiting for? really.....the process of finding me is well underway...I don't know if I'm ready to add another person to my love fest with myself. Not to mention I had a couple of hiccups and EMBARRASSING moments involving a couple of innocent bystanders....but obviously God put them there for a reason, which I believe was a lesson of patience and humbleness. I guess life is always teaching us not to take ourselves too seriously. If you put yourself out there, its okay if some people decline, because sometimes they're not ready for all that you bring or you need to take a closer look at yourself.
Until next time....*muah*
Spread Positivity and Be Positive
+ Today I went to an event that was showcasing African American artists' work and I met some insightful elderly individuals, who wanted me to understand that I must give back to our community, become successful, and break out of my shell....OH, and not to mention the constant push for me to "speak" to the artists there or take business cards from some of the eligible bachelors, which of course I kept politely declining.....but it definitely has me thinking...what in the hell am I waiting for? really.....the process of finding me is well underway...I don't know if I'm ready to add another person to my love fest with myself. Not to mention I had a couple of hiccups and EMBARRASSING moments involving a couple of innocent bystanders....but obviously God put them there for a reason, which I believe was a lesson of patience and humbleness. I guess life is always teaching us not to take ourselves too seriously. If you put yourself out there, its okay if some people decline, because sometimes they're not ready for all that you bring or you need to take a closer look at yourself.
Until next time....*muah*
Spread Positivity and Be Positive
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Tripping out over Mos favorite lyricists.
your words
oh so very clever
Its just so tight
how the words
flow from ya mouth
into tha crowds
sending vibrations
of pure
sounds, oh so right
how the very meaning
of tha words
fit like a glove
just flowing to how I feel when I listen to "ANY" thing Mos Def does.
your words
oh so very clever
Its just so tight
how the words
flow from ya mouth
into tha crowds
sending vibrations
of pure
sounds, oh so right
how the very meaning
of tha words
fit like a glove
just flowing to how I feel when I listen to "ANY" thing Mos Def does.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Monday, January 31, 2011
Cold War
This song is first time hearing it was a month ago and tears burned my face. Her video is just an unedited video of her singing to the camera...which in my opinion is strong and fearless. This song is my anthem for life...I tell close ones everyday or when they need to hear it, that "remember we will die by ourselves, so why must our lives be dictated by others?"
The love GOD have is sees no color, gender, sex, class, even religion. Some people take the lives of others or take their lives because they are afraid...fear of being who they are....fear, fear, fear.......taking a moment.
I told my friend today, that I believe everyone just need a hug...its like we are in pain. Grieving the death of ourselves.
This is a cold war, you better know what you're *FIGHTING* for.
The love GOD have is sees no color, gender, sex, class, even religion. Some people take the lives of others or take their lives because they are afraid...fear of being who they are....fear, fear, fear.......taking a moment.
I told my friend today, that I believe everyone just need a hug...its like we are in pain. Grieving the death of ourselves.
This is a cold war, you better know what you're *FIGHTING* for.
Oh Ella!
A woman of grace...I feel pretty listening to her music. Slow dancing...maybe the waltz? Oh so pretty!
Menu Today
What was on the menu today.....
1) Race relations
2) Religion
3) Love, ofcourse!
4) Money management
And my job has nothing to do with any of the above (except money or do it? "Understanding" ...where I've come from, is far from where I am..and believe it or not, I continue "forward" movement. Make sure history is a lesson not a burden.
I had a good day at work :-).
Spread Positivity
1) Race relations
2) Religion
3) Love, ofcourse!
4) Money management
And my job has nothing to do with any of the above (except money or do it? "Understanding" ...where I've come from, is far from where I am..and believe it or not, I continue "forward" movement. Make sure history is a lesson not a burden.
I had a good day at work :-).
Spread Positivity
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Discovering... appreciation for my body continues to grow...its like I find something new about my body that's extraordinary and its amazing that most of the time my so called flaws are at the fore front of this thought.
Spread Positivity
Spread Positivity
Friday, January 28, 2011
Listening to Christian..
Christian Scott, music speaks to me......especially this song. The "new" jazz era.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
I hate to brag
I hate to boast
but I'm like hot butter
On your breakfast toast.....
I can throw down in the kitchen! If I continue to cook like this, it's inevitable that I will gain too much
I hate to brag
I hate to boast
but I'm like hot butter
On your breakfast toast.....
I can throw down in the kitchen! If I continue to cook like this, it's inevitable that I will gain too much
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Really Random
Was looking in the mirror (not vain, just brushing my and realize a thought. We are always trying to define things, situations, people...never letting it just be...the more someone or it gives, it becomes less interesting. Holding your identity is powerful. Once you give too much in a situation, people lose interest, believe me, I know from experience...Give, give, give...once this happens...people begin to mold you, so that you can become more interesting...not a good look.
If people can just be...flaws and all (cliche)...expectations would definitely be realistic and these type of situations of giving too much and not receiving the same in return would not happen.
I believe this is why realty television is huge!!!When watching these shows...whats the first thing you tend to do...try and relate to the individuals, which helps you live through them. Really? In "REALTY", they're just characters. Media plays on your insecurities...its crazy...
Anyways. Let me be.
Be yourself.....
Spread Positivity
If people can just be...flaws and all (cliche)...expectations would definitely be realistic and these type of situations of giving too much and not receiving the same in return would not happen.
I believe this is why realty television is huge!!!When watching these shows...whats the first thing you tend to do...try and relate to the individuals, which helps you live through them. Really? In "REALTY", they're just characters. Media plays on your insecurities...its crazy...
Anyways. Let me be.
Be yourself.....
Spread Positivity
Friday, January 21, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Thursday Night....
My Thursday night consists of:
- Bubble bath
- Book
- Merlot
- Relaxation
Happy Thursday, people!!!!
Spread positivity!
- Bubble bath
- Book
- Merlot
- Relaxation
Happy Thursday, people!!!!
Spread positivity!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Lately, I have been haunted by an idea or let's say a thought.
My words are carefully chosen.....
I can't decide if its an impulsive (obsessive) thought or if this is something I must pay attention to.......
For the past two weeks, its heavy, I mean HEAVY on my mind. I don't know what to do with it that I haven't occupied my mind with any other thoughts and continually revert back to this thought, because let's be real, its amazing..but its not healthy. Praying...seriously praying to God, to make me understand this "head" game.
SN: pure thought.....I try hard to listen to what's happening up there (referring to brain), so that I can channel my thoughts to a positive outlook.
Spread Positivity
My words are carefully chosen.....
I can't decide if its an impulsive (obsessive) thought or if this is something I must pay attention to.......
For the past two weeks, its heavy, I mean HEAVY on my mind. I don't know what to do with it that I haven't occupied my mind with any other thoughts and continually revert back to this thought, because let's be real, its amazing..but its not healthy. Praying...seriously praying to God, to make me understand this "head" game.
SN: pure thought.....I try hard to listen to what's happening up there (referring to brain), so that I can channel my thoughts to a positive outlook.
Spread Positivity
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Monday, January 17, 2011
The promotion of positivity is important, speaking on a negative subject is some form of promoting the negative subject. Promoting positivity buffers negative energy...causing the negativity to loose its power. "Spread positivity" is not just a statement I use for valediction, but a belief. Right or wrong, is not the issue, but understanding is the task.
Spread Positivity *muah*
Spread Positivity *muah*
Sunday, January 16, 2011
To Understand
Wow...I was just inspired to write this post.
As people, we need to get over physical appearances and what we view the world mentally. We all have a different train of thought or thought process, appreciate that. We are not robots who think a like , look alike, react alike.....don't let outside influences control this. Separating each other because of color, sex, religion..only weakens us....realize that we are one on the same level and no better than the next man can strengthen us. God is of love, not something that we can materialize with our thoughts....trying to understand this is difficult and I may never reach a point of understanding, but die trying is better than not trying at all.
Everything that I do is out of love. Being appreciative of other people's ideas has helped me a great deal. Understanding the fact that I don't know anything and am willing to listen to many who do know some things.....that's a blessing. It's easy to hang with people who think the same way as ourselves.....comfortable and complacency. To write off people because they have a train of thought that you don't agree with....comfortable and complacent. If you stop and listen and try to understand and offer what you have been taught out of love.....this world, my god, would be a different place.
Die trying is better than not trying at all.
As people, we need to get over physical appearances and what we view the world mentally. We all have a different train of thought or thought process, appreciate that. We are not robots who think a like , look alike, react alike.....don't let outside influences control this. Separating each other because of color, sex, religion..only weakens us....realize that we are one on the same level and no better than the next man can strengthen us. God is of love, not something that we can materialize with our thoughts....trying to understand this is difficult and I may never reach a point of understanding, but die trying is better than not trying at all.
Everything that I do is out of love. Being appreciative of other people's ideas has helped me a great deal. Understanding the fact that I don't know anything and am willing to listen to many who do know some things.....that's a blessing. It's easy to hang with people who think the same way as ourselves.....comfortable and complacency. To write off people because they have a train of thought that you don't agree with....comfortable and complacent. If you stop and listen and try to understand and offer what you have been taught out of love.....this world, my god, would be a different place.
Die trying is better than not trying at all.
Another one
Today is such a beautiful day. Door is open and I'm having some fantastic coffee. Incense going...I feel blessed, everyday.
+ Heading out soon for some apartment shopping and a little clothes shopping. Mentally preparing myself for the crowds of people I will encounter.
+ Not really a breakfast eater, so for brunch I will make some pancakes with cooked blueberries and raspberries...hmmmm, sounds good.
Until next time..peace *muah*
+ Heading out soon for some apartment shopping and a little clothes shopping. Mentally preparing myself for the crowds of people I will encounter.
+ Not really a breakfast eater, so for brunch I will make some pancakes with cooked blueberries and raspberries...hmmmm, sounds good.
Until next time..peace *muah*
Saturday, January 15, 2011
RT: So I was just walking my dog as I hear this approaching vehicle...I turn to see a mail truck and then it suddenly stops. I look with anticipation...I notice a figure jumps out and looks at realizing its a dude....he asks, "do you know where spring gardens is located?"....I reply "I have no idea, sorry" and then he replies "no idea?"...and I say "no" and then he proceeds to tell me that my eyes are beautiful, now in my mind, I'm thinking, how the hell can he see my eyes, we aren't even that close...and he ends his statement by saying "50 feet away", "your eyes are beautiful, 50 feet away". *side eye*
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Today, marks the day of pain and grief for the people of Ayiti.....
Haiti is a country of revolution and perseverance , as the first country to be ruled by Africans, it's a country of strength. While living here in Miami, I have become encouraged by the culture of Haiti...the people, food, music, and etc. When the earthquake happened, it felt as if South Florida was hit, because so many people here are an extension of Haiti. It was definitely a day of.............sorrow.
This post is a dedication to all of those who lost their lives in the earthquake at 4:53pm on January 12th, 2010.
Haiti is a country of revolution and perseverance , as the first country to be ruled by Africans, it's a country of strength. While living here in Miami, I have become encouraged by the culture of Haiti...the people, food, music, and etc. When the earthquake happened, it felt as if South Florida was hit, because so many people here are an extension of Haiti. It was definitely a day of.............sorrow.
This post is a dedication to all of those who lost their lives in the earthquake at 4:53pm on January 12th, 2010.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Late...I know
New Year's Day I made a delicious brunch...on the menu:
- Cooked apples
- Biscuits
- Fresh Fruit
- Green juice
- Orange juice
- And....Andre's of course, so mimosas were flowing
Hope you have a wonderful day!!!...enjoy the pics.
- Cooked apples
- Biscuits
- Fresh Fruit
- Green juice
- Orange juice
- And....Andre's of course, so mimosas were flowing
Hope you have a wonderful day!!!...enjoy the pics.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Monday, January 3, 2011
Man....I know this is pure ignorance......but the first part of this year (January through March) theme song is BLOW THE WHISTLE! by Too Short. Theme song?...yes every year for three month increments, I have a theme song..(take notes).
+ Sooo, it's a new year PEOPLE, resolutions are flowing and full of hope/ Resolutions for me are internal, so shhhhhhh, its a secret, only those who are close will know.....nah I won't even tell.
+ You ever had a thought that you internalized....and every time you thought about it, it made you smile, cry, or get angry. Weird, I know, gotta let it go! Still in progress and I definitely see progression.
SN: + = change of thought
+ Sooo, it's a new year PEOPLE, resolutions are flowing and full of hope/ Resolutions for me are internal, so shhhhhhh, its a secret, only those who are close will know.....nah I won't even tell.
+ You ever had a thought that you internalized....and every time you thought about it, it made you smile, cry, or get angry. Weird, I know, gotta let it go! Still in progress and I definitely see progression.
SN: + = change of thought
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Why in the fuck am I still up?, passed out shortly after the new year....soooo, Happy New Years and I have a feeling that really this year, is my year. Now, I must prepare breakfast for my lovely people. PEACE!!!!!
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