Can't wait for tomorrow...will see Mishal Moore live in concert!!!!!Will definitely take pictures....
UPDATE: So I didn't take any pictures while at the concert, because the setting did not allow me to, it was very intimate and chill, so me flicking pictures with the stupid flash was going to cause too much distraction. But I must say, she is so awesome, her voice is lovely and her demeanor was positive. I included a video of her singing a song she performed that night, which literally had me in tears....she performed with the two young ladies (Firth Sisters) who are in the video and their voices are also phenomenal. Make sure you check out her youtube page for more performances at http://www.youtube.com/user/mishalmooremusic. After her concert at Club Bed...my friend and I went to a club called Jazids, which was reggae night...LOVED IT!!!!
Oh and I added a photo (another car shot...i know very lazy, but totally forgot about taking pics) of myself after the night out, which was an enjoyable night for a Sunday (weird, right).
I will check her out ! Lately I've been listening to a lot of technol, the kids on the running team prefer it.
Like the photo !
Any meaning behind the name Ch3rRy BuBbleGum ?
...ch3rRy BuBbleGum is an unsual flavor...at the time I was creating this blog, I was chewing some cherry flavored gum...once you start to chew this particular gum the flavor explodes into your mouth, similar to the effect of chocolate covered cherries..kinda describes me...the vision of the perfect storm, EXPLOSIVE!!!!..lol, and thanks for the compliment of my photo. Mishal Moore is an amazing artist...was too shy to ask her for a photo and much more, but still had a great time, so that has to say a lot about her talent.
I like that "Explosive", to hear a women say that. That tells me you don't take any bs, but you are positive in nature and your love for animals, and the arts,show your mellow side.
I just recieved an ok from the principle to feature a vid on my you-tube channel called "Words". It is about how a single word can take on so many different meanings. I hope it inspires the kids to think out of the box when it comes to writing. Some of the images are adult. But I recieved the green-light to go for it. My principle, finally said something nice to me.
She believes I am from another planet, then she said, get out of my office. hehe
"From another planet (the "unknown")"...hmm, quite a compliment. History teaches us, our future discovers us....anywho, can't wait for the video!!!!! (smiling while typing)...the concept of "out of the box" thinking is really important to grasp in order to progress...glad you're a teacher, thank you!
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