I don't know if this is happening just in South Florida or everywhere, but there is an increasing number of idiots driving. If you come across this blog and this sounds like you, then I'm gonna need "YOU" to consider the following:
1) If you are driving and your signal light is "signaling" that you either want to make a left or right in the near future...then do just that, please don't keep driving for a good 2 to 3 miles without either merging or turning.
2) Now if we are in a four lane highway and you decide to drive in the far left lane, please at least go the speed limit or faster....if you decide to stay in the far left lane while driving 35mph or below, just know, you will either get a number of people giving you "the finger" or blowing their car horn.
3) If we are at a street light and its red, but we are in the right lane, we are able to turn on a red light unless indicated otherwise.
4) If you are 70 and beyond...and you are unable to walk, it is probably best for you to refrain from driving any motorized vehicle. (SN: And you will probably be mistaken for a missing person indicated by a silver alert)
5) People who have no idea where they are going, please Mapquest the directions before getting your a@# on the road, saves a lot of people from the constant braking you will be doing while trying to locate your destination.
6) DUDES who try to holler while driving....is just plain dumb....causes accidents. The bumping of the horn alert people for no reason.
7) Speed racers in residential areas is a definite no no. Driving 150 mph (is that possible?...anyways) is dangerous...soon or later you will be scrapped from the concrete.
8) Last but not least, if you do not have immigration papers, driving license, insurance, and no registration...its best that you not drive or if you must drive, please abide by the rules.
SN: Also, don't take pictures while driving..lol.
Sometimes it seems as though it was yesterday, when I got my first car. Bought "as is" I was 17. My keys to freedom. That feeling of happiness, independence. That car made me so happy. The stereo and the wheels I put on it, were worth than the car. But it was mine.....Flash forward to Spring 2010, I bought a mercedes,amg. I was pleased, happy, but I did not have that feeling as that used ford escort, gave me. I drove that car everywhere, I mean everywhere. Today, traffic bothers me, damn, orange cones seem to be everywhere, I spend so much time sitting in traffic. Life is interesting, I guess it depends on how we look at it.
Life is interesting....you know why you weren't as happy as you were when you first got your ford escort, because it was yours...now the mercedes is not yours yet, its still the bank, so that attachment is not official.....but first cars always have good memories.
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