Saturday, May 29, 2010

Shoes, shoes, shoes

This is just my obsession for shoes....enjoy the pics!

Esperanza IS AMAZING!!!

I went to see Esperanza Spalding...and she is an amazing musician. The concert was very intimate, so needless to say, I had an up close and personal experience. It seems as though, she is dancing with her instrument, which is the bass, and her fingers are moving so quickly that it becomes too hard to follow. She usually has a fair size band playing behind her, but this concert there was just the piano and drum player, who by the way were supreme! This was definitely one of those experiences that I hold dearly to my heart.

Loving Sundays!

Some of these photos are just me enjoying my Sundays.....Brunches, beach, and barbecuing!!!Something about Sundays makes me smile a lot...and then I have an attack of the Mondays later in the day.

From Here.........

On out, I must update my blog everyday, that's just one of my goals. Well, I have been taking random photos, so I will post some pics up explaining its, this is me before the Erykah Badu concert. I won tickets and was extremely excited; the concert was awesome, she is a creative entertainer and I have been listening to her music every since On & her and her spirit!