Saturday, January 15, 2011

RT: "the green makes me relax."


Mind wonders....


RT: So I was just walking my dog as I hear this approaching vehicle...I turn to see a mail truck and then it suddenly stops. I look with anticipation...I notice a figure jumps out and looks at realizing its a dude....he asks, "do you know where spring gardens is located?"....I reply "I have no idea, sorry" and then he replies "no idea?"...and I say "no" and then he proceeds to tell me that my eyes are beautiful, now in my mind, I'm thinking, how the hell can he see my eyes, we aren't even that close...and he ends his statement by saying "50 feet away", "your eyes are beautiful, 50 feet away". *side eye*

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Is it Friday yet?

Oh, I can not wait til the sun rises again.....

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Today, marks the day of pain and grief for the people of Ayiti.....

Haiti is a country of revolution and perseverance , as the first country to be ruled by Africans, it's a country of strength. While living here in Miami, I have become encouraged by the culture of Haiti...the people, food, music, and etc. When the earthquake happened, it felt as if South Florida was hit, because so many people here are an extension of Haiti. It was definitely a day of.............sorrow.

This post is a dedication to all of those who lost their lives in the earthquake at 4:53pm on January 12th, 2010.