Friday, February 3, 2012

What I meant...


I have been drunk since
summer, sure you would
come to sift the waves
until they flaked like
diamonds over our flanks.
I have not moved.
even when wild
horses, with snouts like pigs
came to violate me,
i squatted in
my baptism.
O hear the sea
galloping like stallions
toward spring.

- Sonia Sanchez, Under a Soprano Sky

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Same ole same ole...

You would think after a year, I would be somewhere different...welp, no...still delivering some personal shit...still loving the same person, by default...haven't found someone quite like him, do I want to is the question? Am I giving him too much power?...His style, personality, and mystery kills me til' this day. It is always in his hands...but truly I believe we will move forward, just need for him to realize, I see him differently then the usual, I SEE HIM DIFFERENTLY. Yeah, I can be intimidating, but I'm intimidated by YOU.

"I knew me when I was with you"

Goodnight...or is it good morning...